In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the positive feedback from her clients, Jill has moved to exclusively provide online counselling, where she continues to offer a confidential, safe, secure and convenient service to her clients.

Benefits of online:

  • Choice of location for counselling to take place
  • Flexibility to fit with personal schedule
  • Approachability for first-time seekers of counselling
  • No travel time required
  • Accessibility to counselling if you require self-isolation or are chronically unwell or on bedrest
  • Choice of platform for counselling (Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, phone)

Ways to prepare for online counselling:

  • Choose an appropriate space
  • Set up your technology in advance
  • Reduce distractions
  • Jill will send you more tips when you book your online appointment.

Situations that are not suitable for online counselling: